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An exciting new advancement in STI prevention is Doxy-PEP and Doxy-PrEP. While both of these medications are still being tested and rolled out, they are likely to be a really key method for preventing certain STIs in the near future.

Doxy-PEP, or Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a medication that can be taken within 72 hours of exposure to bacterial STIs (notably chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis) that greatly reduces the chances of the infection establishing itself in your body. It is often compared to ‘the morning after pill’ to help folks understand how it can be used.

Doxy-PEP is an antibiotic that works to fight the STI and prevent it from infecting your body. While studies have shown that it can be effective, there are still some questions around its use and it is not yet formally approved in Canada. That being said, some doctors are starting to off-label doxy-PEP.

Doxy-PrEP (doxycycline pre-exposure prophylaxis) is similar to doxy-PEP except that it is taken on an on-going basis. The idea is that, for anyone who is regularly engaging in activities that put them at a higher risk of contracting a bacterial STI, they could take this medication daily to prevent these infections from ever occurring. While recent ongoing studies are showing that doxy-PrEP does reduce infections, there is concern that its widespread use may lead to the evolution of strains of bacteria resistant to these antibiotics.

You can learn more about where HEAL NS got this information from at: TheVillagePharmacy, CATIE
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