Although there are lots of effective treatments for and ways to manage STIs, talking about them with sexual partners isn’t always easy. If you’re getting treated for an STI, there will be a period of time where you can transmit it. You’ll have to hold off on having sex until you know the treatment has worked. This time could be a fun excuse to explore intimacy with your partner(s) in other ways. Try mutual masturbation, virtual sex, cuddling, making a home cooked meal together, or anything else that will make you feel close to your partner – without being close enough to pass along your STI.
It’s important to talk to the people you’ve had sex with (or made out with if you have an oral STI) recently to let them know that they may have come into contact with an STI and they should go and get tested. Sometimes this is as easy as saying, “Hey, just wanted to let you know you should get tested for STIs. I got something and you may have it too.” Sometimes it can be more difficult. If you’re not comfortable having the direct discussion, you can speak to your doctor about Public Health Nova Scotia contacting these folks and informing them anonymously on your behalf. For some STIs Public Health Nova Scotia may require contact information of past sexual partners for contact tracing.
If somebody you have had sex with tells you they have an STI, either in person or anonymously, you might be upset or annoyed, but remember that this person is doing you a favour. Not only are they helping you to test and treat for it earlier, they’re also stopping the chain of transmission. That means anyone else you’re sleeping with won’t get the STI or pass it on. STIs are an ongoing reality in any active sex lives. The best way to protect yourself and your sex partners is to talk about it, and to make STI testing and knowing your status a part of your routine.