- Try out dental dams! They can be used on vulvas or anuses and can alleviate bottom dysphoria. They also make thin latex underwear that serves a similar purpose. Check out our section on dental dams for more info.
- Colored Condoms! They make various coloured condoms, flavoured, glow-in-the-dark, and textured. They are all commonly different colours and have different purposes (check out our condoms section). These can be great for folks who have bottom dysphoria, as they can create the illusion that your genitalia is a sex toy.
- Use lube! Lube is a very helpful tool to alleviate any discomfort, lessen the risk for any tears or pain and can be fun! If you need help staying in the moment, you may like the cooling or heating lubes for their extra sensory effect. Many medications, including testosterone, can affect the vagina’s ability to self-lubricate, so getting lube involved can be a huge help!
- Create your own lexicon! Try new words out for your body or sex acts; maybe you will like certain gendered terms or certain non-gendered ones. Hell, make up whole new words!
- Have conversations! Part of what makes sex and sexual health so scary for some in the aura of mystery, the best way to combat this is to chat. Queer folks have a beautiful history of sharing important sexual health information by word of mouth and, in the process, strengthing the effect of the community. Even if all you do is make a joke or share a link to a website like this, it all feeds into the greater sex positivity of our world.