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There are many factors to consider when choosing a form of contraception. We recommend reading through this section, answering the following questions for yourself, and talking to your doctor about what is right for you.

  1. Which method(s) sound the most like I will be able to follow them consistently and correctly?
  2. Which method(s) sound the most appealing, hot, or non-disruptive of my sex life? (Please note, this is a really personal question. One person may find putting on a condom disruptive, while another may find it a fun form of foreplay that eases their mind and allows them to be more present and less anxious during sex).
  3. Which method(s) are accessible to me? Consider what you can budget every month//year towards contraception, what insurance plans you do or don’t have, the cost of different options, where in Nova Scotia you are located and what services you can get to (including what doctors, clinics, pharmacies, sexual health centres, and stores are accessible to you).
  4. What method(s) match what my partner(s) are looking for, respect what I want, and prioritize the well being of the person who is taking them and/or the person who can get pregnant?
  5. What are the risks associated with the method(s) I am using/considering? Are both me and my partner(s) comfortable with those risks?
  6. What method(s) am I interested in trying/learning more about? As I read through this section which method(s) caught my attention?

You can learn more about where we got this information from at: PubMed, HSHC, PlannedParenthood
*disclaimer: we do not necessarily endorse all of the information, content, or language used in these references