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Because it works so well, there are lots of things that might lead you to think about PrEP as a way of staying HIV-negative. Some of these might include

  • I’m dating or hooking up with someone who is HIV-positive
  • I don’t always use barrier protection (ex. condoms) during penetrative sex
  • I don’t know the HIV status of the person/people I’m having sex with
  • I have sex when I’m drunk or high
  • I like to hook up with a lot of people
  • There are things in my past, or things that I know about my personality, that make it hard for me to make the decisions I want to when it comes to safe sex
  • The people I sleep with/have slept with in the past/plan to sleep with pressure me into having sex without condoms.
  • I want to take control over my sexual health and PrEP will help me do that
  • I am anxious about the sex that I am having and my risk of getting HIV
  • I am actively doing sex work that puts me at risk

*This list is not exhaustive, if you have a reason to consider PrEP that isn’t included in this list we still encourage you to discuss it with a doctor so you can determine together if PrEP is right for you.

PrEP Checklist:

A simple checklist to figure out if PrEP might be right for you!

Might PrEP be right for me?

  • I only use barrier protection sometimes (or never)
  • I am HIV-negative
  • One or more of my partners are HIV-positive, or I don’t know their HIV status
  • I can remember to take a pill every day and don’t face barriers to taking a medication
  • I am able to see a doctor every three months for an HIV & STI test and a prescription refill
  • I have insurance that covers PrEP, or I can afford it on my own

If you answered YES to ALL of the above, or if you have questions, talk to your doctor or reach out to us.

If any of these apply to you, PrEP could be a highly effective way of protecting yourself from HIV just like using condoms or, in an emergency, taking PEP. If you want to, there are a few ways to start the conversation about HIV with your partners. But if you think PrEP is right for you, talk to a doctor!

This section was adapted, with permission, from The Sex You Want Website.
*disclaimer: we do not necessarily endorse all of the information, content, or language used in these references