If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV, there’s medicine that can help. It’s called “PEP”, or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. PEP is something that you take after you’ve been exposed as a way of blocking HIV from establishing itself in the body.
If you are concerned that you have been exposed to HIV you can go to the emergency room and ask for PEP to reduce your chances of acquiring HIV. You need to start PEP within 72 hours of the exposure, and the sooner you start PEP, the more likely it will work – every hour matters, so don’t wait! You’ll have to take it every day for 28 days. After your treatment is complete, follow the testing schedule recommended by your doctor. Use condoms during this time. PEP used to come with a lot of side effects, but these days, many people no longer experience significant side effects!
This section was adapted, with permission, from The Sex You Want Website.
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