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Different people have different routines when it comes to where, and how often, they get tested for HIV. You can get a requisition for an HIV test at your family doctor, a walk-in clinic, an anonymous testing site, or other sexual health clinic.

It’s not unusual to feel nervous about getting an HIV test, especially if you’ve never done it before. If you’re worried about it, finding out you’re HIV-negative might be a relief. If it turns out you’re HIV-positive, it’s OK to be upset — but it’s also beneficial for your health to find out as early as possible so you can get connected to care right away. Getting linked to care and treatment options is the best way to support your health in the long run and to achieve an undetectable HIV viral load.

Some folks prefer to go to anonymous testing sites where they won’t be required to use their name or show ID. This can be more comfortable or give folks who have tested positive more time to sit with their test results. You can use SUGAR Health to find somewhere near you to test. The best place to get tested is wherever you’re most likely to follow through with the process.

If you’d rather test on your own, HIV self-test kits are available. Contact us at HEAL NS to find out how to get one in your community, or you can order them from us.

Some folks find it helpful to have a regular testing routine that works for them.


You can use our checklist tool to figure out what testing schedule is best for you. We recommend getting tested every 3 months if you participate in ‘riskier’ behaviors (condomless anal sex, sex with a partner who does not have undetectable HIV viral load etc.) and every 12 months if you participate in ‘less risky behavior’ (sex with condoms, monogamous sex, oral sex etc.) . We also recommend testing 1 month, and again 3 months, after a situation you think could have exposed you to HIV.

Here are some testing guidelines that might be helpful:

  • Test right away if you have symptoms (e.g., rash or flu-like).
  • If your test says you are negative, test again in 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months.

It seems like a lot of testing, but it’s important to know your HIV status as soon as possible, so that you can access treatment and care early.

If you are diagnosed with HIV (or an STI) your local public health unit may follow up with a phone call to discuss it with you. They want to make sure that anyone who may have been exposed is aware of the exposure, so they may ask you if you are comfortable contacting them yourself, or if you would like them to do that on your behalf. This is standard practice and is an important way they try to reduce the transmission of HIV and STIs.

This section was adapted, with permission, from The Sex You Want Website.
You can learn more about where we got this information from at: HSHC, NS Health, SUGAR Health
*disclaimer: we do not necessarily endorse all of the information, content, or language used in these references